

英漢字典: run after

1. chase追趕The dog ran after a cat. 那只狗追趕著一只貓。

    Don't bother running after the bus;you'll never catch it. 別費勁去追趕那輛公共汽車了,你怎麼也趕不上的。

2. try to gain attention and company of(an opposite sex)追求(異 性)

    He's always running after women. 他總是追求女性。

    He has been running after her for months,but she isn't interested in him at all. 他追求她好幾個月了,可她對他根本不感興趣。

3. serve;care for服務;關照

    Don't expect me to run after you all your life!別指望我會伺候你一輩子!

    She often runs after my child. 她常照料我的孩子。

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